Welcome to KSDAA

Welcome to Konobo Statutory District Association in the Americas, Inc. The organization is acronymed KSDAA. It is a United States based non-profit and social organization. It is not associated with a particular religious. KSDA was founded to preserve the cultural heritage of people of Konobo Statutory District, and to promote the general welfare of humanity. It is a non-political organization.

Konobo Statutory District Association in the Americas, Inc. (KSDAA) was founded in 2008 in the City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, by citizens from Konobo Statutory District Grand Gedeh County, Liberia, who are residing in the United States of America. It is headquartered in Philadelphia with local chapters in various States.

The organization has undertaken and continues to undertake numerous humanitarian work including the solicitation and shipping of donors items like school text books, hospital bed linings and pillowcases, and photocopiers. KSDA has and continues to offer academic scholarships to students in need, at the Grand Gedeh County Community; elevated public Junior High School to full High School (Albert Memorial Institute to Konobo Central High School) and paid teachers' salaries. In the USA, KSDA hosts back-to-school programs for kids and high school students and distribute donated back-pad and other school supplies. KSDA has been able to underwrite the financial costs of all these humanitarian works through donations from members and other philanthropists..